Sunday, March 28, 2010

What is a computer?

As Webster’s dictionary defines it, it is “any programmable electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data”
Technology has developed greatly from the time man came to this planet to the 21st century (our world today). We have seen many machines and tools being invented and developed which has helped our world today to be as it is.
It is believed that almost all machines have come up due to two main tools that were invented; these are the lever and the inclined plane. Both these tools were mainly used to help in lifting heavy things. These two tools are believed to be the ground breaking idea that has led to the rise of computers. They convert one type of energy into another. Other simple machines that were made at that time were the following: the wheel, pulley, wedge and screw. After these, more complex tools were made, these tools or machines were made in such a way so as to carry out several purposes. For example, the water pump and the Swiss-army knife. After these many more complex and bettered machines were invented, but none were like the new machine that was invented in the 20th century- ‘THE COMPUTER’
The basic computer started developing in the 1200’s. This machine called the computer did not convert energy as all the other machines, but instead transformed information.

Why did we reach the computer and why did the society need such a machine?

The two main answers were ‘Industrialisation’ and ‘Empire’
Firstly the empire which was the concern of the British. The British had a very strong navy. This navy kept the British interests safe and was extremely important to them. They thus needed exact and accurate locations so as not to crash into rocks and reefs. This led to the invention of ‘mobile timepieces’, however these were not very accurate.
Secondly, moving on to industrialization. The cotton mills in centers in places such as Birmingham needed calculations to help them with their engineering. Life insurance also needed calculations to make sure they did not make a loss from the dead.

Charles Babbage (1791-1871)

He was born on December the 26th 1971 in London. Charles did not build the world’s first computer although he tried very hard to and was very close to succeed. Babbage’s misfortune was that he was born in an age where basic technology to make a machine was present BUT the technology to build it was not! (I do agree with this)

Difference engine

In 1822, Babbage came up with a model of his ‘Difference Engine’. Babbage had confidently predicted to complete this engine within three years, however, he was not able to finish it even within ten years and thus failed and had to give up.

Analytical engine

This engine came about due to the ‘crisis of industrialisation’. Babbage started making this engine n 1833. “This analytical engine was to be the world’s first general use programmable computer, a machine designed not just for solving one particular problem, but to carry out a range of calculations ordered by its operator”. ( It is believed that he had vaguely described the modern computer memory and processor. (
However, due to lack of technology, it was impossible to build this engine.
The analytical engine was never built, however a modified version of the Difference machine was built by a Swedish printer, Pehr G Scheutz.
Babbage died a bitter man!

Leibniz and the calculus (1646-1716)

Leibniz was a very important part in the history of philosophy and science. He founded the calculus along with Sir Isaac Newton. He was also one of the discoverers of the Binary Notation.
He was a German and was obsessed to find a ‘universal language’. He said “It is unworthy of excellent men to lose hours like slaves in the labor of calculation, which could be safely relegated to anyone else if machines were used”.
He also brought about the Monads.

The early calculators

 The Abacus
 The slide rule (1600’s)
 Calculating clock (1623)
 Pascaline (1965)
 Stepped reckoner (1671)

The Abacus

“The abacus is a device, usually of wood (plastic, in recent times), having a frame that holds rods with freely sliding beads mounted on them”. ( A brief history of Abacus;;modified 20 march 2005)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The mechanical calculator (Stepped Reckoner)

This calculator was invented by Leibniz in 1671. It could add, subtract, divide and multiply.

First generation (1940-1956) Vacuum tubes

These computers used magnetic drums and circuity for memory. It was enormous (as big as a room). A single drum could have up to 200 tracks. It rotated at a speed of 3000rpm. A drum is similar to a magnetic tape or disk drive. This computer was very expensive to operate and could only solve one problem at a time. The computer relied on machine language to operate. The input was based on punch cards and paper tapes while outputs were shown on printouts. The following are the examples of computers made at this time:
1) UNIVAC- This was the first commercial computer delivered to a business client in 1951
2) ENIAC- This was the world’s first operational electronic digital computer

Second generation (1956-1963) Transistors

The transistors were invented in 1947. It was a device made up of semiconductor material that amplifies a signal or opens and closes a circuit (Generation of computers, by Najmi, dated August 13th 2004). Computers we know today would not be possible if it was not for the transistors. These were smaller, faster, cheaper and more energy efficient than first generation computers.

Third generation (1964-1971) Integrated circuits

The integrated circuits were transistors that were made smaller and placed on silicon chips. These integrated circuits drastically increased in speed and were way more efficient.

Fourth generation (1971-present) Microprocessors

This is a computer that is made up of thousands of integrated circuits which was rebuilt onto a single silicon chip. The use of personal computers began in this generation. There are three basic characteristics that differentiate microprocessors, and these are; instruction set, bandwidth and clock speed. It’s as small as the palm of your hand. This computer led to the development of the internet and to the development of mouses, GUI’s and handheld devices.

Fifth generation (present and beyond)

This computer is still in development. It is known as the artificial intelligence. They want computers to behave like humans. It will include games playing, expert systems, natural language, nueral networks and robotics.


In conclusion I would say that the development of computers has come a long way and I am confident that it will in the future still go a long way and develop into a computer that is way smaller, faster and efficient. It may even take over the human race at the pace it is developing.
Computers have become a very important aspect of our lives. I believe that most people today in the urban areas cannot live without computers. For example, a working man or woman or even a school student would not be able to carry out half the tasks that they need to at work or at school. And even if they would be able to, the process would be slowed down drastically!


 referred to class notes and lecture as well